Friday, 26 November 2010

Holiday's end, journey's beginning

6.30 alarm, 7.00 breakfast & 7.30 taxi. It's an early start for our homeward journey.

The Col. prepares one last breakfast and we talk about sad we are to be parting. He says we have a home here whenever we like.

We sit on the cool airy verandah and as we wait he presents me with a handful of nutmegs (still wrapped in their mace coats). He has already gives us a painted terracotta plaque of a Keralan girl. I am fairly sure he doesn't do this for all departing guests...he is truly a gem of a man.

Our taxi comes and we embrace warmly. I'm very sorry to leave, I hope we meet again.

The drive to the airport is quick - it's only 5k. And we go through the security checks.

The departure lounge is relatively small but it's got comfy chairs and some refreshments and that's all we need for the moment...

Location:Trivandrum airport

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a smooth journey, and so glad you've had such a great trip.
